Doing our part to make the world a better place is important to us at Select Exotics. As a small business, it’s a challenge to give to the many worthy causes, but we strive to make a difference where we can.
Love Your Community
Choosing to raise our children in a small, rural community has great benefits, but there are struggles as well. Schools and organizations do not have the advantage of having a high number of participants and funds that come with the greater numbers. Locally, we support many school events, such as the Future Farmers of America (FFA) chapter, sports clubs and the post-prom event. In addition, this year the proceeds from a sale were donated to the Illinois State 4-H livestock judging team, whose team is compiled of 2 out of the 4 members being from our local community, to help fund their trip to Scotland where they will be representing the United States at the Royal Highland livestock judging competition. Dale and Holly are also heavily involved with 4-H judging, and volunteer their time coaching the county’s junior 4-H judging team.

Love Your Country
Another way Select Exotics seeks to give back is by offering a 10% discount off the purchase of Savannah kittens to active military. We are deeply patriotic, believing our country’s military should be held in the highest regard having dutifully served their country. While watching a war movie recently Kadie, our 7 year old daughter, awe-inspiringly asked “Americans really did that for us?” Our sentiments exactly! It is because of those sacrifices that the majority of us take our daily comforts and liberties for granted. This 10% discount is our way of expressing our gratitude. To all of our country’s military, Select Exotics would like to extend a sincere thank you.
Love Your World
Select Exotics donates to several non-profits that we strongly believe are worthy causes. Regular contributions are made to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Being stricken with a serious illness is not something anyone deserves, but it’s especially unfortunate for children. We also participate with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, having granted the wish of an ill child who wanted to share her life with a Savannah cat.

Feline Foundations
There are many foundations that have been established to benefit the feline species, ranging from disease research or providing care for abandoned cats. We are proud to support the Winn Feline Foundation, an organization dedicated to improving cat health. Currently, the foundation is involved with numerous studies, including the development of new drugs for the treatment of Tritrichomonas foetus infection and characterizing how the fatal feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) virus binds and enters cells. Both of these studies could prove highly beneficial to the well-being of our feline companions and to future research projects.